UP 5354, 5101, & 7899 power a westbound manifest.
UP 7743 & Ferromex 4026 power a westbound empty coal train.
A tier 4 ACe eastbound with a manifest.
Eastbound manifest.
UP 8134 & 7318 with eastbound loads.
Sitting to the side of Union Pacific's Triple Track Main, this former Southern Pacific locomotive #153 waits off duty at the moment. It looks to have some gang related graffiti on its nose that h... (more)
UP 8431, 5475, & 7065 westbound with 268 platforms.
UP 1845 & 1808 with a westbound local.
UP 2538 & BNSF 8436 with westbound empties.
UP 2638 is eastbound with a loaded coal train that will enter the Marysville Sub in about two miles.
UP 4504, BNSF 4092, CN 2503, & CN 2166 eastbound with a manifest.
UP 3887 powers westbound auto racks.
UP 3060, 3884, & NS 1834 with an eastbound manifest on UP's Kearney Sub..
Three GEs lead an eastbound unit grain train.
When BN's Kearney Spur from Kenesaw was torn out in 1976 the BN opted for trackage rights to serve their remaining customer(s) in Kearney, which explains why I was treated to a Burlington Northern... (more)