UP 6673 eastbound with a mixed freight.
UP 2678 & 3049 with westbound empties.
UP 6999 & NS 9941 westbound with a mixed freight.
UP 7154, 8029, & NS 9941 eastbound with a mixed freight.
UP 1943 & 7039 lead an eastbound train of rocket boosters for NASA.
NS 7541, UP 6347, UP 8177, & UP 5586 power a westbound mixed freight.
UP 3003 & 8557 power an eastbound loaded coal train.
CN 2943 leads an eastbound mixed freight on UP's Kearney subdivision.
UP 6832 powers an eastbound auto rack train.
UP 6962 & 6798 lead an eastbound loaded coal train.
In a typical scene along US 30 in central Nebraska, a westbound empty set destined for the Coal Creek mine in Wyoming rolls along the center main departing Gibbon, NE. Quite a sight with all of th... (more)
A patched SP unit brings up the rear of a westbound manifest on main 2.
UP 7995 & 7392 power an eastbound stack train.
UP 7777 & 5621 eastbound on track 3 with a loaded coal train.
UP 6484, in the new scheme, brings up the rear of an eastbound mixed freight.