UP 6421 & 3848 eastbound with a mixed freight.
UP 5082, 8703, 2757, 3030, & 5499 westbound with an intermodal train.
UP 4797 & 1808 westbound with a local.
UP 8958, 8095, & 6690 eastbound with a manifest.
UP 9073 & 8182 westbound with empties.
UP 6214 & 5322 with an eastbound loaded coal train.
UP 5465, 3802, & 6183 eastbound with a unit train of tank cars.
UP 5370, 9656, & 2660 power an eastbound.
UP 7110 & 8469 power an eastbound mixed freight.
UP 6744 & 6174 with an eastbound manifest.
The LFG15 works Andersons fertilizer.
UP 8754, 6407, 2578, & 2607 with an eastbound manifest.
UP 1638 & 1808 power an eastbound local.
UP 4502, 7207, & 8402 with an eastbound intermodal train.
UP 8137, 6866, & 7219 lead an eastbound manifest with four SD70Ms dead in tow.