Southern Pacific used to paint engines in the open-air on the turntable whisker tracks at Los Angeles' Taylor Yard until the mid 70s. U25B 6709 is in chromate primer on July 22, 1973.
Is the camera aimed the wrong direction? Rock Island U25B 231 was on the point of Train 4, "Golden State," standing at North Topeka, Ks. station as westbound mail Train 39 with two F units approa... (more)
As Family Lines started to become an operational reality in the early 1970s, both SCL and L&N established run-through trains that used the A&WP/WofA between Atlanta and Montgomery. For the first ... (more)
With 27 units, L&N had by far the biggest U25B fleet in the southeast - really, the only fleet - but by 1975 the old boats were getting used more in big-city transfer service and less in mainline ... (more)