Bound for Eagle Mills.
3 SD's pass by the huge mine complex at Palmer.
Crossing Morgan trestle
6093,8552 have a freight southbound sitting in Hamilton yard.
Sitting in Hamilton yard.
Southbound crossing Main Street .
Southbound crossing Kercher Street .
6012,6228 goes into the siding while the blue gray CSX unit waits on the main for it to clear before proceeding north.
Run through power of the C&NW and CSX on the Waynesburg Branch of the Monongahela railway.
Is on the ten mile branch.
2304,2307 are former Western Pacific 2253,2262 then went to Conrail as 2034,2037 then to Norfolk Southern as 4095,4097. They are sitting on the Manor Branch.
8581 has 3 more SD50's behind him on the freight.
Sitting in the Bay City terminal.