Red Barn No. 9020 waits for a new crew before departing westward from North Bend, BC; CP Rail's crew change in the Fraser Canyon. The train will soon head to Coquitlam Yard on the outskirts of Van... (more)
The circus is in town! As part of a circus train exhibit, Exporail has decorated certain pieces with circus illustrations. In the foreground is CP 2850, the original Royal Hudson.
The last car on CP 100 was a single flat car carrying new axles.
Under the snow capped Fisher Peak, Canadian Pacific Railway SD40-2F No. 9011 leads the McConnell Turn out of Cranbrook, British Columbia on the evening of March 7, 2015. The train will ramb... (more)
A CP Rail westbound freight moves out in the fading light of a winter afternoon. The FA-2 was built by Montreal Locomotive Works in 1953.
CP Rail SD40 5527 and an MLW switcher idle in late evening hours next to CP cabooses 434343 and 434533 near the Kenora, Ontario depot. This picturesque community at the top of Lake of the Woods wa... (more)
I am rather amazed when I think about how long ago it was when Baldwin folded. These were so rare that finding one operational was amazing, and that was forty years ago!
CPR MLW S-3 #6591 at Smiths Falls Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario.
One of the 4 CP MP15DC's sits outside Mid America Locomotive in Kansas City, MO