Sprinter 7002 trails an up Seymour service to Melbourne at Coolaroo.
A pair of Sprinter railcars running a Seymour to Melbourne service race through Coolaroo.
Tacoma Rail returning from Makenna WA with a string of Empty hoppers.
Pennsy stablemates- 1223 and 7002, once roamed free across the street and occasionally out on the mainline.
TR 7001 and 7002 tiptoe down a +-3% grade in some of the steepest parts of the "Gulch", to pickup the rest of their train. Former EMD Demonstrators 1211 and 1212, they are now wearing t... (more)
Former EMD Demonstrators 1211 and 1212 are now wearing the colors of Tacoma Rail for the duration of their 5 year lease. These may be the last most modern units to cross this trestle as it is sch... (more)
A pair of QJs slog up the Jing Peng Pass with a long, mixed freight, in 1998.
7002 with the local shuttle to Frankston awaits departure time at Stony Point.
Sprinter pair arrives into Morwell in the Latrobe Valley east of Melbourne, operating a Traralgon to Melbourne service.
Great Brazil Express, new passenger train of Serra Verde Express www.serraverdeexpress.com.br and your first turist travel.
Automotriz, with a turistic train.
Array 02 is named after Joseph (Genesis 49:22).
EMD export FT36HCW 3000hp loco ready to run