TR 7001 and 7002 tiptoe down a +-3% grade in some of the steepest parts of the "Gulch", to pickup the rest of their train. Former EMD Demonstrators 1211 and 1212, they are now wearing the colors of Tacoma Rail for the duration of their 5 year lease. Like many new acquisitions, there are some bugs to work out. In this case, 7001 is having trouble with a sensor that has disabled some traction motors, so 7002 is doing most of the work. Having two less traction motors than a standard SD70Ace, the loss of one or more is rather more significant. For this day, the result was a doubling of the hill, something the acquisition of these two motors was supposed to end.
just heritage schemes, not just commemorative schemes - this album is devoted to some of the world's most interesting paint schemes, past or present.