Five Montana Rail Link EMD six-axle locomotives, used as a helper set on Bozeman Pass, head downgrade back to Livingston glinting the setting sun on October 10, 2005. Westbound trains get plenty o... (more)
The SD60MACs that EMD painted for Burlington Northern were tested thoroughly, and the merits of A.C. traction burgeoned. BN signed a $675 million order for 350 4,000 hp A.C. traction SD70MACs from... (more)
On May 7, 2012, several veteran Montana Rail Link locomotives were stored inside one of the older shop buildings at the railroad’s main locomotive facility at Livingston, Montana, including MRL ... (more)
Livingston, Montana was Northern Pacific's major diesel maintenance facility for their entire transcontinental fleet of freight and passenger locomotives as well as the Rocky Mountain Division... (more)