West Shore 233. Mohawk, Adirondack, and Northern 2453 (née-Erie Lackawanna 2453, Alco C425, 10/1964) passes the West Shore Railroad "NY 233" milepost at French Road in Utica, NY ... (more)
ALCO Safari Day 6, MA&N: Upon arriving back in Utica, the MA&N crew drops the train at the West end of the yard, and runs lite to the Utica transload area, where gravel and rock is being lo... (more)
ALCO Safari Day 6, MA&N: After gathering the rest of their train, having to wait for track work and a WB intermodal, the MA&N highballs on the high iron. These GVT ALCOs are no slouches, an... (more)
ALCO Safari Day 6, MA&N: Not having much work this day, the MA&N crew makes a quick trip to downtown Rome to collect 3 empty flat cars from American Alloy Steel.