CN 3301 stops at Watkins Road near Battle Creek as it is stacked in behind two other trains waiting to Yard.
The Conductor is on the ground to perform a Roll By inspection of the passing M 399.
A tribute to the Central Vermont. The ADBF 4043 sits in Mason at the Jackson and Lansing shops. In the background the ADBF 822 and 821 are getting prepped for some quick customer moves.
The ADBF 822 and 821 shoves out of the Jackson and Lansing Shop to head south for some customer work in Mason before heading for a quick set off and pick-up at CSX's Ensel Yard in Lansing.
Keeping the Kutztown branch alive, the Allentown & Auburn is headed to switch the Kutztown Foundry. The A&A has fought hard to survive in today's economy and new Kutztown Foundry contracts help. ... (more)
While the passengers of the Autumn Leaf Excursion enjoy a three hour layover in Jim Thorpe the train shoves back over the Lehigh River trestle as part of the WYE move to situate the train for the ... (more)