Fresh Paint. On February 23, 2020, Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron #30 (DS4-4-660, Baldwin, 9/1948) sits in its long time home at the Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark. This locomotive is not... (more)
My great, great uncle Robert F. McKee, Sr., was a design engineer at Baldwin and he would give my father different Baldwin Locomotive Works builder's cards when my father would visit him in Collin... (more)
A 1948-built Baldwin switcher sits on display outside Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark. This engine started out as a switcher for the Sloss Furnaces before being sold to U.S Pipe & Foundr... (more)
Lost Then Found. Chesapeake Western 662 (DS-4-4-660, Baldwin, 12/1946) spent its life on the CW until being retired in 1964, and was then sent to a scrap yard in Roanoke, Virginia to be cut... (more)
During the period of the "NS Family Portrait" which saw the new Heritage paint passing by, some special side "events" produced themselves. This was one such photo op.
A rare Baldwin switcher sits on the property it spent its whole life working. The historic Sloss Furnaces were one of the many steel mills that made Birmingham the Magic City.
E&LS 102 looks like a lab experiment gone bad as it sits in the dead line in Escanaba (Wells) in September of 1988.
When 662 was originally put on display in the museum, the manufacture's name plate was missing. Something that I had not known even existed on this engine. It has since been added and after carefu... (more)
One of the famous "Lost Engines of Roanoke" has been rescued and sets awaiting better days. There is the rumor that one of the prime movers on this unit or its sister could be restored to operate... (more)
Purchased new by the E&LS
WYANDOTTE SOUTHERN DS 4 4 660 D100. From my slide collection by P. MARTIN
Stored out of service
E&LS DS-4-4-660. From my slide collection, slide says Escanaba, MI but it is more likely taken at Wells, MI. Shot taken by K.C. Henkels.