A modified ATSF EMD GP30 and an SD45 sit alongside a standing westbound freight atop Cajon Pass. The different color schemes stand out well in the bright afternoon sun. The GP30 is now classified ... (more)
One of the more odd meets in Amtrak's Los Angeles 8th Street Yard occurs this gloomy morning as Santa Fe 3751 meets a EMD24B. Visiting Amtrak to have its wheels turned, the leased Progess Rail uni... (more)
Milwaukee Road 261 steams past Northstar 502, which is making a rare appearance at St. Paul Union Depot pulling a shoppers special for the holiday season. Over 3,000 people used the depot platform... (more)
Merry Christmas, from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania- the recently retired 915 and the PRR 4800 ("Old Rivets") are being pelted with the first snow of the season.