The piece of brake rigging that launched a GTW boxcar off the track after running over it's own brake rigging that fell off and was jammed into the frog. Canon EOS 20D.
The results of a head on collision just south of Green Bay Yard.
Cleanup of Q118's derailed at Junction City, WI, due to 10 inches of rain causing a washout.
Cab view of an ore train derailment.
The WC 1569 side swiped a departing train.
Cab view from the conductors side of CN 2538 northbound on the Superior Sub.
Truck vs Train - You decide.
CN 2538 in the siding at Hawthorne, WI.
SOO Line 500 and its passenger cars still suffer from the damage inflicted by the Labor day Tornado of 2002.
Stored BNSF units at their Northtown Yard.
The "Not so Comfortable Cab" of UP 6328. Lots of duct tape holding this cab together.
Prairie railroading! This is the north switch at Fairburn and it is blown in with Tumble weeds. The first 5 cars of our pickup where "Drifted" in with tumble weeds up to 9 feet high.
Weston Coal Loads on the ground at Riplinger, WI. The remains of a destroyed pair of trucks.
Q118 derailed at Junction City, WI, due to 10 inches of rain the previous night.
WC 1569 got into the side of a departing train.