It must be an officer's special eastbound crossing the ATSF and GM&O.
The Iowa Northern's North Crew does work in the Manly Terminal. This is the farthest north the Iowa Northern goes. The Manly Yard used to be a small little operation with an interchange point wit... (more)
Train #5, the Quad City Rocket, departs La Salle Street Station with Rock Island's Bicentennial Unit on the point.
Painted for the bicentennial, Rock Island E8 652 leads the Peoria Rocket west out of Chicago. Kodachrome slide processed in January 1977.
The Peoria Rocket pauses at the depot in Bureau. Bureau is the junction of the Peoria Branch with the mainline to Silvis.
Rock Island's bicentennial E8 652 debutes on the 20th Century Railroad Club's Railfair '76 special from Chicago to Bureau, shown here departing Chicago.
Rock Island 652 specially painted for the bicentennial slows for a station stop at the Geneseo depot on the way to Chicago from Rock Island.
The eastbound Quad City Rocket makes a station stop at Sheffield, IL on its way from Rock Island to Chicago.
The has-been Rock Island Bicentennial E-unit sits unused for the time being, alongside one of two remaining E6's in the country- Rock Island 630. Both engines have a unique backstory, one being t... (more)
Two of RIs finest in what I consider one of their finer paint jobs waiting to go to work.
The Rock's "Peorian" departs Joliet
The Rock's "Peorian" makes its stop at Joliet
The Quad City Rocket heads east for Chicago.
Still painted for America's bicentennial, #652 arrives Chicago with a special in tow.