CPKC Train 260 heads southbound through New Albin, IA.
CPKC Train 260 heads southbound passed the 139 milepost at Jefferson, MN.
CPKC Train 260 heads southbound through Reno, MN.
CPKC Train 260 heads southbound through Brownsville, MN.
CPKC Train 260 heads southbound through La Crescent, MN.
CPKC Train 260 heads southbound through Dresbach, MN.
CP 8121 leads train 261 through the small town of New Albin, MN
CPKC 119 is 52 feet short of 14,000 feet in length as it heads west near sunset with CP 8121 & CP 8653 up front and CP 9800 mid-train.
Clouds nicely frame the long abandoned Pool 8 elevators while idle road power waits for its call west with grain empties.
CP 118 flies through Cedar Park Station with CP 8121 & CP 8918 up front and CP 9375 mid-train.
A15 descends the steep grade at De Winton, AB
CP train 119 approaches the Depot for a crew change in Thunder Bay, Ontario.