CN L502 has just arrived at Garnet and will tie down just ahead and head for rest. Once back on duty the crew will run the power around and build their train and depart for Sarnia.
The Nanticoke freight heads south across the Grand River in Caledonia enroute to interchange with the SOR at Garnet.
The time is 1AM in White Sulpher Springs, Wv as CSX K898 thunders by the Amtrak platform with a pair of CN visitors leading the way.
Just before midnight on a cold and clear winter night, CSX K848 rushes out of Big Bend tunnel in Talcott, Wv with a pair of CP motors.
CSX K898 rumbles east by the coaling tower in Thurmond, Wv with a pair of CN motors leading the way.
Potash trains B730 have been scarce lately, with this one being only the second one to run since last May. CN 3857 leads potash train 730 as they round the bend at Renforth, New Brunswick on a col... (more)
After not running for quite a number of months, the second CN B730 to run in about a week heads east after changing crews at Turcot Ouest on an icey morning as the engineer offers a friendly wave.... (more)
CN ES44AC 3857 guides A459's train down to the west end of the yard at Swan Landing.
Grande Prairie-Swan Landing train A459 gingerly heads down the last two miles of Grande Cache Sub's steep south end, preparing to yard the train at the bottom of the hill.