CN 2281, leader of that day's 305, is lit up by both the star lights and moslty by the red light at the west end of Villeroy. The usual meet with the 306 will take place a few moments later.
CN L507 is heading northbound at MAL Junction in Pontiac.
CN 368 with CN 2281 & CN 5763 for power is passing underneath a new signal gantry which was put into use just this past Wednesday, replacing a much older signal gantry. At left the long-term parki... (more)
Ready to be picked up. CN 2281 is ready to be picked up from AllRail after work was done on it there (not sure what work, but possibly PTC installation). CN 591 would pick it up the day aft... (more)
A late CN 120 passes through Dorval with CN 2281 and DPU CN 8829.
Various units from different railroads sit in Galesburg yard at the engine facilities.
Prince Rupert bound grain loads speed along the frozen shores of the Athabasca River, passing Mile 220 of CN's Edson Sub.
With Empire mine shut down, and only ore reserves on the ground available for loading, CN ore trains will soon be ending. Granted the ore traffic from neighboring Tilden mine will still run and on... (more)
A pair of ES44DC's lead a Q train through Crest Hill.
C798's DP unit idles in the warm sun in Jasper.
After a crew change at the pad NS 184 starts heading East out of Toledo on its way to Bellevue.