Sandstone Estate's NG/G 16 No.88 has just left the sheds with NG4 No.16 following, as they enter Hoekfontein to pick up their respective train consists.
Sandstone Estate's NG/G 16 No.88 enters Hoekfontein with a short mixed train consist carrying visitors to the Estate. In the background a drove of cattle provide visitors with another historic for... (more)
Fireman aboard Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway locomotive # 88 built in 1914, passes a line token. The 88 was a guest from the West Somerset Railway.
Sandstone Estates' recently restored Peerless road truck (Built 1915?) gives a light coating of dust to passing NGG16 No. 88 near Hoekfontein station. This photo was taken on the first day of Sand... (more)