2-6-0 T cogwheel steamlocomotive HG 3/4 # 3 of the former Furka-Oberalp-Bahn, is pulling train 17 of the Blonay-Chamby Railroad Museum from Blonay to Chamby near the Cornaux stop, on the occasion ... (more)
2-6-2 T steamlocomotive Ec 3/5 # 3 of the association Historic Mittel-Thurgau-Bahn (VHMThB) is pulling the Eurovapor Santaclaus train 31715 from Bischofszell Nord to Hauptwil on the occasion of th... (more)
2-6-2 T steamlocomotive Ec 3/5 # 3 of the association Historic Mittel-Thurgau-Bahn (VHMThB) is pulling the Eurovapor Santaclaus train 31715 from Bischofszell Nord to Hauptwil on the occasion of th... (more)
HGe 4/4 II # 3 "DOM" of the Matterhorn-Gotthard-Bahn was built in 1990 by SLM and BBC for the Brig-Visp-Zermatt Bahn (BVZ). She is pulling train 233 of the line RE41 from Visp to Zermatt... (more)