On the 4th day of operation after the winter break (which had to be prolonged for 2 weeks), cogwheel railcar Bhe 1/2 # 24 of the Pilatus Bahnen (PB) is running on a grade of 19.0 % over the Mattal... (more)
Railcar Bhe 1/2 # 24 of the Pilatus Bahnen (PB), which was built in 1937 when the line was electrified, is running up to the Pilatus over the Mattalp as train CC 21. Here the grade is estimated on... (more)
The Pilatus cogwheel railway from Alpnachstad to the Pilatus is by far the steepest rack railroad in the world. It is the only one to use the Locher system, in which two cogwheels engage laterally... (more)
A Philadelphia, Bethlehem & New England NW2 works a yard job in Bethlehem, PA, back when Bethlehem Steel was a thriving business and the PB&NE was a busy switching railroad.