Heading back to the Duluth depot via Two Harbors, the Iron Range sub, the Missabe Sub, Proctor yard, Proctor Hill, and finally downtown Duluth to home due to washout on the NSSR Lakefront line.
Heading through the early morning fog on the CN Missabe sub. at Wolf, MN.
Pre sunrise departure after dumping taconite bearing rock at the plant. These two CN 2111 and 2112 were used, stored, brought back to service and have now been retired by CN in the last two years... (more)
Finished up doing a few switch moves it's time to call it a day and park their ride.
Waiting for lights to depart the plant with northern lights all over.
Heading for home with taconite pellets in tow behind a nice-looking set of IC deathstars.
Coming north from Proctor yard to load iron ore pellets.
Northern Minnesota's snowless winter of 2023 is evident.
After leaving Proctor yard and descending Proctor hill and spotting loads on the dock, IC 6256 runs around their train and will prep to shove back for dumping before heading back up the hill to th... (more)
Proctor yard is full during the blue hour of a late fall evening. Pellet trains, limestone trains and a trio of BLE oh my.
Hauling steaming iron ore pellets back to Proctor yard.
Limestone empties head back to Proctor yard after delivering to the Minorca taconite plant.
Descending the grade from the Minntac taconite plant bound for Two Harbors, MN.
Humming along with iron ore pellets in tow.
A little spring snow falls on a quiet trip back to Proctor yard.