Found in the Alton & Southern yard in East Saint Louis are CIT Group/Equipment Financing (CITX) SD40 3082 (ex-GFCX 3082, née-Canadian Pacific 5521) and Capital Finance (CBFX) GP40 4003 (ex-Harbor... (more)
Looking Out From The Cab. While the JD Tower building itself is a modern edifice at the Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Society in Clifton Forge, VA, former C&O EMD SD40 7534 (CSX 4617, CSX ... (more)
The View From "JD Tower". While the JD Tower building itself is a modern edifice at the Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Society in Clifton Forge, VA, former C&O EMD SD40 7534 (CSX 4617, CSX ... (more)
The Clinchfield Railroad was primarily a coal hauler, although not as big as B&O, C&O, N&W and others. The gray and yellow 3010 was one of 24, SD40s such units in the Clinchfield, seen here at E... (more)