Union Pacific’s Rio Grande heritage unit brings an empty set of coal hoppers bound for storage to the Mississippi Export’s yard in Helena, MS. After interchanging from CSX in Pascagoula, they ... (more)
A trio of Mississippi Export geeps slowly make their way north through Moss Point, MS, bringing a 38-car northbound from the CSX interchange in Pascagoula. Paralleling Railroad St in Moss Point, t... (more)
Though the Swamp… The Mississippi Export’s mainline path through the swamps surrounding the Pascagoula River and McInnis Lake in Moss Point, MS is definitely not something one would find on m... (more)
Celebrating 100 The 100 Year Anniversary train on the Mississippi Export crosses the turnstile drawbridge over the Escatawpa River.
MSE C704 heads south down the MSE mainline with the 4th SD70MAC of the week trailing second. BNSF 6412 BNSF 8893
Here MSE train 51 can be seen slowly making their way north through Moss Point, MS on their way back from the CSX interchange in Pascagoula. They have a 38-car northbound today, including 28 loade... (more)
MSE power tied up at Moss Point.
MSE 4301, ex-KCS 4301, sits alongside the MSE shop at Moss Point.
The heritage is easily identified on MSE's latest addition with the C&NW nose mounted bell. The railroad's first turbocharged unit rests next to the shop at Moss Point.
No need to guess what fallen flag railroad this GP50 was acquired from, none other than the Chicago & North Western by the presence of that nose mounted bell. The “Big Daddy” as it’s called... (more)
MSE 66 sits outside the shop basking in the afternoon sun.
One of two used for road power, this one is looking a bit worse for wear. I wonder what happened to the waterside location during Hurricane Katrina.
MSE 95 is ex-CSX 6671, exx-SBD 6671, exxx-SBD 1514, exxxx-SCL 1514, nee-ACL 929. Kodak Royal Gold 200, Olympus OM-10, Tokina 28-70mm f3.5
MSE power sitting at Moss Point, Ms. awaiting their next assignment