Burlington Northern NW2 451 switching at Grand Forks, ND August 1970. The 451 was built in March 1939 as Great Northern 5303 and was renumbered to GN 103 in 1943. This NW2 was retired in April 198... (more)
Burlington Northern SD7 6019 at Virginia MN August 1974. This SD7 was built as Great Northern 569 in April 1953 and rebuilt in June 1968 after being fire damaged in Superior in September 1967. The... (more)
Western Pacific Bicentennial GP40 1976 is seen at San Francisco CA on the actual Bicentennial July 4, 1976. The 1976 was built as WP 3541 in September 1971. Companion GP40 1776(WP 3540) was also b... (more)
Spokane Portland and Seattle C415 100 is seen switching in Portland OR September 1969. The 100 was built in November 1968 and became BN 4010. The SP&S rostered two C415 switchers and had more on o... (more)
Elgin Joliet and Eastern SD38-2 668 in Bicentennial paint at Joliet IL January 1976. Built in November 1975, this unit was delivered from EMD in white paint and the red and blue were added by the ... (more)