The second cut of empties are shoved back to the loadout at Creech while one of the mine workers looks down from the pedestrian bridge.
NS P43 heads towards Grover passing the Southern intermediates in Bessemer City in a heavy downpour.
NS 8114 takes a candy cane Herzog ballast train South on the O-Line through downtown Mooresville, NC.
NS 5202 traverses the rolling hills of the kudzu covered HG on a humid summer Carolina evening.
Local job P71 spots a couple box cars down to the Carolina Container Company on their way back to Oyama.
After a morning out working Bessemer City on the main, P43 winds its way down the HG in South Gastonia with NS 5243.
Leased to the Santa Maria Valley Railroad, BUGX 1322 leads the bi-weekly Guadalupe run through the farm land of the valley.
Headed for Bessemer City, NS P43 heads south through Lowell under the intermediates.
NS 5253 sits out a cold Winter night in the back of the Winston Salem yard.
NS 5230 takes P43 back north under the Lowell intermediates.
NS 5213 sits tied down over the weekend in South Gastonia.
The NS 4001 leads the Norfolk & Western heritage unit through a dusting of snow on the way north on the "Pumpkin vine"
Ex C&NW 4556 and ex NS 5130 sit out a evening Summer storm in Canon, GA.
The Milky Way galaxy rises above the mp783.1 intermediates on a cold Summer night.
CSX Q693 makes its way through the Clinchfield Railroad loops with freshly painted CSX 911 leading the way to Waycross, GA, on a warm Spring day.