The 470 Railroad Club of Portland's annual charter train heads West passing under Route 302 at Cooks Crossing in Bartlett. The train will proceed West through Crawford Notch to Fabyan Station and ... (more)
This former Santa Fe F45 is now repainted in Great Northern "Big Sky Blue" and repurposed as a luxury cabin at the Izaak Walton Inn at Essex, MT. The inn itself was built in 1939 by the Great Nort... (more)
Patrons of the January 2019 Pete Lerro photo charter were surprised to see a female in the fireman's seat of the locomotive. Being a fireman on a steam locomotive is a gritty job, but this lady wa... (more)
After concert performances in Hermon, Brownville and Jackman the day before, the CPKC Holiday Train is leaving Maine. The train has just left Jackman and is crossing the Pat McKinney Bridge over t... (more)
Midcoast Rail Service RB-2 is seen crossing the 1916-built 995-foot Wiscasset Bridge spanning over the Sheepscot River. The train will continue over the long causeway and across another bridge bef... (more)