A trio of GP40-2Ws leads a westbound train on the Oakville Sub between Aldershot and Bayview.
CNR C-630 2013 leads an eastbound gypsum train from the quarry at Milford to the dock at Wright's Cove. Wright's Cove is on the Dartmouth side of Bedford Basin. The gypsum will be loaded on ships ... (more)
CPR #979 is heading south from Calgary to Lethbridge led by a trio of SD40-2s.
CN 1416 fresh from rebuilding at Point Ste. Charles shops in Montreal is working train #549 past the now gone station at Merriton.
CN SW1200RS 1361 is heading back into Hamilton after coming out to Bayview to turn some piggyback trailers on the wye.
CN 908 and 904 are among a group of NF-110 locomotives stored in Clarenville, Newfoundland. They are no longer needed in service as rail traffic on Newfoundland is in serious decline by this time.
New Brunswick East Coast train #403 on the return leg of its daily turn from Campbellton to Miramachi rolls through Beresford, under Acadia St. At this time chasing #403 required full use of the s... (more)
A pair of RS-18s leaves Rockingham with a van hop heading west.
CP SD40-2 5940 leads train #469 heading upgrade approaching Divide.
BN SD40-2 leads a westbound past the signals at the east end of Summit siding on Marias Pass.
BN 8159 East, with a Livington Rebuild Center leaser in the consist, rolls through Grizzley, Montana with a doublestack train.
CN 5099 leads a loaded ore train, that originated on the Ontario Northland, southbound enroute to the Dofasco steel mill in Hamilton.
CN train #390 crosses the Humber River Valley in northwestern Toronto.
BN's Shelby - Sweetgrass turn, which exchanges interchange traffic with CPR at the border at Coutts, AB / Sweetgrass, MT is heading back to Shelby as it passes through Kevin.