Farewell - The last unrefurbished e300 Eurostar, mixed half sets 3214 and 3223, form the 12.58 from London St.Pancras on their last journey to Brussels Midi. On their return later in the afternoon... (more)
DB Cargo No 67 024, in Pullman livery, brings the Belmond British Pullman round the curve from Charing at Westwell Leacon with the 11.07 round Kent luncheon train from London Victoria via Ashford ... (more)
Almost the last unrefurbished e300 Eurostar, mixed half sets 3214 and 3223 form the 12.58 London St.Pancras to Brussels Midi approaches Km post 77 on HS1 at Lenham Heath. The two other halves of t... (more)
The 12.52 Brussels Midi to London St.Pancras Eurostar service passes Km post 77 on HS1 at Lenham Heath running five minutes early on its 2 hour 10 minute journey between capitals during a nice bre... (more)
A third 'orange' TGV from my 1989 visit to the South of France. Set No 31 is leaving the tunnel near the Château des Baumelles between St.Cyr and Bandol forming the 10.07 Nice to Paris service.