CN ran a Jordan Spreader up the Newmarket Sub from Washago to Huntsville today, first time I've seen one in these parts since about 30 years ago when they used to keep one parked at Martins or in ... (more)
A partial TEE trainset (a locomotive/coach, several more coaches and another cab/coach had previously been repatriated to Europe) sits derelict near North Bay's Waterfront Park just east of the ex... (more)
CP 7069 is one of the few pieces of equipment not under protective wraps as construction takes place at the TRHA's museum located at the old CP John St. Roundhouse. Shot from just over 1.100 ft th... (more)
What's wrong with this picture? Well if you're a train buff, lots! The good news is that Temiskaming and Northern Ontario 503 is supposed to be moved to the west side of the old CPR Station (now r... (more)