Coal fired cogwheel steamlocomotive of the second generation, H 2/3 # 6, built by SLM in 1933, is slowly running down the mountain with train 12, above Brienz. The cars B # 16 and B # 26 were buil... (more)
Light oil fired cogwheel steamlocomotive H 2/3 # 14 "Gemeinde Brienz" of the Brienz-Rothorn Bahn (BRB) is coming down the mountain with a relief train to train 12 above Brienz. The locom... (more)
Coal fired cogwheel steamlocomotive of the second generation, H 2/3 # 6, built by SLM in 1933, is slowly running down the mountain with train 12, above Brienz. The cars B # 16 and B # 26 were buil... (more)