One of two RS1325's built. Both for C&IM. Interestingly, the railroad was never built to Chicago.
C&IM 31 RS1325, one of only two ever built by EMD, at Springfield, Illinois. June 12, 1991. Jack D Kuiphoff video © photo
The RS1325 is unique to the Chicago & Illinois Midland. It looks like a U.S. version B-B GMD1. No photographer listed on slide.
C&IM freight arriving in Springfield, IL || October 1980
Nightfall on the C&IM A lineup of Chicago and Illinois Midland power rests at the railroad’s shops at Springfield, Illinois, on the evening of January 26, 1985. All-EMD, left to right... (more)
C&IM RS1325 #31 in Springfield, IL.
A dog day Sunday afternoon at Springfield shops...
Southbound turn is about to enter the yard with a string of coal hoppers for the car repair shop.