Former SBB, then BLS and now running for Widmer Rail Services AG (WRS). Re 420 # 504 (former SBB Re 4/4 II 11123) and # 502 (former SBB Re 4/4 II # 11117) of the WRS in multiple control pull the l... (more)
Electrolocomotive 1042 # 007 of the Widmer Rail Services AG (WRS) is pulling the empty tank car train 69660 from the Rümlang fuel depot (TLR) via Regensdorf-Brugg to Basel Birsfelden Hafen, on th... (more)
At the 17.04.2023 was the WRS Re 420 502 with a empyt boiler train from Romont FR to Birsfelden Hafen between Fribourg and Düdingen on the Grandfey Viadukt
Locomotives Re 430 # 112 and # 111 of the WRS (Widmer Rail Serices AG) pull the southbound intermodal train 40881 from Neuwied/Germany via Basel Badischer freight yard via Gotthard and Ceneri Base... (more)
Re 430 # 111 and # 114 (in the special Synopsis paint scheme) of the Widmer Rail Services (WRS) in multiple control are pulling the freight train 51050 from Dinazzanco Scalo/Italy to Basel shuntin... (more)