The newest generation, the 4th, of the high-speed series "ICE" brings passengers from Frankfurt a. M. (Hessen-state) to Wuerzburg (Bavaria). Photo location is well known among german rai... (more)
13-car ICE 4 highspeed train of the Deutsche Bahn AG # 9462 is running the ICE 271 from Frankfurt via Mannheim-Basel-Zürich to Chur with 140 km/h near Untervaz between Landquart and Chur. On the ... (more)
The 13-car ICE 4 of the Deutsche Bahn # 9457 "Bundesrepublik Deutschland", running the ICE 271 from Frankfurt am Main via Mannheim-Karlsruhe-Basel-Zürich to Chur at Unterterzen, has a strip in th... (more)
ICE 4 # 9003 of the Deutsche Bahn is running the ICE 3 from Karlsruhe via Basel to Zürich, between Aarau and Rupperswil. On this four track line the maximum velocity is 160 km/h and the trains ar... (more)