With the Arcade & Attica GE 65-Ton 112 on the point, the local crew works around Arcade, New York on a sunny July morning with three cars for Reisdorf Bros Inc. in North Java. As the train crosses... (more)
A pair of Arcade & Attica GE centercabs make a shove move south as they pass through the alley on the backside of Main Street in Arcade, New York. Once the crew has their train put together, they ... (more)
A pair of Arcade and Attica tonners leads 3 hoppers towards the mill at North Java
A pair of Arcade & Attica GE centercabs are north of Java Center, New York as they head towards the Reisdorf Bros Inc. in North Java. The train is crossing the steel bridge that spans Beaver Meado... (more)
A pair of Arcade & Attica GE centercabs lead a freight towards North Java, New York with three cars for Reisdorf Bros Inc. The train is passing along the north shore of the Ghost Pond, casting a r... (more)
A pair of Arcade & Attica GE centercabs depart from Arcade, New York and passes by an old warehouse building with three cars for Reisdorf Bros Inc. in North Java. The locomotives do not have MU ca... (more)
A pair of Arcade & Attica GE centercabs depart from Arcade, New York on a sunny July morning with three cars for Reisdorf Bros Inc. in North Java. As the train departs from downtown Arcade, it pas... (more)
Trinity Industries, one of the largest railcar leasing firms, operates a shop complex in Avondale, Texas dedicated to cleaning and repairing tank cars in the fleet. On an April afternoon, a GE cen... (more)
Passengers enjoy a sundae on the "Sundae Caboose Ride".
Still resting in the same place as she has been for the last 10+ years. A GE 65 Tonner sits on the end of spare track at the Arizona Grain facility in Casa Grande. Evening rain showers brought fog... (more)
GATX's Hearne plant in the late afternoon. GAHT #2 came out of its hole and saw its shadow, which means 6 more weeks of hot, humid summer for Texas.
Its 8:04 am and 13 degrees below zero at Arcade and Attica's interchange with Norfolk Southern's Buffalo Line. The Crew have their train put together and ready to make the 15 mile trip to Reisdor... (more)
The days work is done and A&A #112 backs toward the Engine House. Note the steam tender on the left and old water tower on the right.
GE 65 Tonner #112 and GE 44 Tonner #111 switch cars at Residorf Brothers Mill.