UP 7027 brings up the rear of westbound empties.
UP 7110 & 8469 power an eastbound mixed freight.
UP 9603 with a westbound mixed freight runs around a manifest departing Grand Island.
UP 5868 & 7898 arrive at Grand Island with a coal train for the Platte Generating Station.
UP 7311 & CP 8839 lead a 219 car manifest eastbound.
UP 7007, UP 5041, UP 5250, CP 8858, CP 8824, & CP 9783 are on the point of an eastbound mixed freight on UP's Marysville subdivision. The CP units did not appear to be online.
UP 7168 & 6465 lead an eastbound loaded coal train.
UP 9639, 6666, 8677, & 6568 powers an eastbound mix of COFC & TOFC.
UP 5767 & 8944 with 250 eastbound loads.
UP 7136, 7137, & 6389 power an eastbound Z train.
UP 6316 & 6597 with westbound empties.
UP 6359, 6516, & 6671 with an eastbound manifest on main three.
UP 6220 6172, & 9057 eastbound with a unit grain train on main 2.
UP 9657 & 8850 eastbound with a mixed freight.
UP 7302 & 6521 power a westbound manifest.