Recently delivered together with other sisters, here is one of the new E-494 class electric locomotives that is parked and ready to enter into service for "Mercitalia Rail"
The unit of "Dinazzano Po" 741-733-0 CZ LOKO, stops on the tracks of the freight yard.
The unit of "Dinazzano Po" 741-707-4 CZ LOKO, stops on the tracks of the freight yard.
Recently revised with new recolouring (color scheme for E-652 only) here with the pantograph lifted ready to enter into service one of the electric loco passed by "Trenitalia Cargo" to the new div... (more)
This former locomotive "ACT" and any other of this company, were purchased a few years ago by "FER" Ferrovie Emilia Romagna became part of the park of the latter and now that the railway "Dinazzan... (more)
This type of locomotive dating back to the mid 50' along with the others in the fleet of "FER Ferrovie Emilia Romagna" are now in progress of alienation, and therefore relegated to shunting. In ... (more)
Because hydraulic works that deviate temporarily waters of the river Secchia, I tried to take a photo from the bottom of the river at the Stadler FER passing across the bridge, traveling to Milano... (more)
Class 255 Diesel Shunter, sorts a container train.