Electric railcar Ce 4/4 #131 of the GFM Historique built in 1943 on a visit on the Blonay-Chamby Museum Railroad. This narrow-gauge railcar is known as "Flèche de la Gruyère". A Renaul... (more)
Streetcar steam locomotives G 2/4 # 7 former Tramways du Mulhouse (not operational), G 2/2 # 4 former Rimini-Novalfeltria and G 3/3 # 12 former Berner Tramway-Gesellschaft (BTG), built by SLM in 1... (more)
G 3/3 # 5 of the former Lausanne-Echallens-Bercher Railway (LEB), built in 1890 by SACM (Societe Alsacienne de Constructions Mecaniques SACM, Graffenstaden), since 1973 running for the Blonay-Cham... (more)
Former Bernina Railway (later Rhaetian Railway) railcar ABe 4/4 # 35 of the Blonay-Chamby railroad museum reached the stop of Cornaux with the train 3507 from Blonay to Chaulin-Musée via Chamby. ... (more)
Small diesel shunter, in Switzerland called "tractor", Tm 2/2 # 1 of the Montreux-Oberland Bernois (MOB), now freshly renovated running on the Blonay-Chamby Railroad Museum, at the Corna... (more)