Extra power sits tied down at Lake Siding - the CF&E's furthest siding to the west. These units will be used on an extra wind turbine train very early the next morning. This whole scene is illumin... (more)
Empty coal drag from Burns Harbor heads east through unincorporated LaPorte County, IN. Autumn is in full swing and the lineside scenery all along Otis Hill is a riot of color.
Before the main targets of AF5 and AF7 could hit the street, we were greeted by a pleasant surprise - NICTD's two geeps heading down 11th Street to do god knows what further west of here. The 1000... (more)
An unseasonably warm night finds South Shore's AF7 - the train that forwards all far east end traffic west to either Bailly or Goff - all depends on who gets the interchange. It is just shy of 10P... (more)