Anyone who has spent any time in cold weather knows that when a train is kicking up snow like that on a calm day... it's cold. Although not rare by any means, 6 axles on the Logan Local are certai... (more)
"We're in the endgame now." Those famous words, uttered by Dr. Strange in Marvel's Avengers Infinity War, have now become true for the big blue western railroad. Today, the railroad offi... (more)
I have been hesitant to post much MRL stuff this year, mostly due to the fact that the state has been swamped with people all summer and most are probably sick of it by now! It hasn't stopped me f... (more)
Growing up you always hear about barn finds. Someone finds a classic car, priceless artwork or something of historical value that had been locked away and forgotten about. Never does one hear abou... (more)