Burr A wind chill of -30 made for a cold shoot, M337 is punching some small drifts.
CN's G843 is Plowing plenty of snow across the Dubuque Sub today as seen in the photo they are just hitting small ones at speed at this point on the East end of Beth siding. They could of used a ... (more)
It's well after sunset the train will run all night working it's way to Marquette,IA and South to Savanna,IL and on to Chicago.
No plowing here, but some snow out East blocking the Highrails from running. Still looks good
Cleaning up the Drifts that blew in after the ditcher ran the week before. And no i was past the snow, by looking at the chunks from the last pass and not shooting by them you don't get hit.
Got lucky Finding a prop, A train parked on a load out on the old MStL just off the Spineline. Shot at F 45 the sun was so bright you can see it in the lens bending around the aperture blades, Som... (more)
Named unit Don Cook the DME 6077 and 3 others on Jul 9, hit a bolder and put some of them in the Mississippi river. Scrap now
About to take the downword slide into Winthrop after topping the hog back.
With the Flood of 08 over HOPE! and the water down to a point you can see what happened. The 2 pier was under cut by the water and the flood just pushed it in to the hole, and pulled the the span... (more)
Just a bit of snow can make the show
First East bound train after being shut down by drifts.
Loads grinding along trying to gain speed on the down hill parts of the run.
Rolling right along on its first run to Chicago. As with the last 2 weeks we can't get a sunny day.
Set out at North end of the Dubuque yard.
Parked getting some wiring by the owner this day. This paint is much better then the Grand Traverse Dinner train purple rainbow paint they had!