An empty crude oil train hugs the shoreline of the Clark Fork River as it traverses the stunning Cabinet Gorge on its way toward Missoula, Laurel, and points east.
One of BNSF's finest looking units leads a loaded grain train under the endangered ex-Northern Pacific cantilever signal bridge which guards the east end of 8,845ft Hope siding on MRL's 4th Subdiv... (more)
One of a number of westbound earthworms to travel the Montana Rail Link 4th Subdivision between Laurel, MT and Sandpoint, ID on a daily basis is seen dashing through the snow between Clark Fork an... (more)
What a view! Westbound grain loads roll by my new vacation home and under the classic Northern Pacific cantilever guarding the east end of Hope siding during an unforecast snowfall in the northern... (more)
With the remains of an overnight snowfall still lingering on the ground, a southbound BNSF manifast passes under the iconic SP cantilever in downtown Tehachapi.