High above the valley, a westbound BNSF intermodal train descends the west side of Stevens Pass.
The distributed power units on a westbound intermodal scream in notch 8 as they push the train up the east side of the pass.
A westbound intermodal climbs the east side of Stevens Pass on a beautiful fall day.
High above the east portal of the Cascade tunnel, the ventilation fans whine as BNSF 7291 exits the bore.
BNSF 7291 throttles up out of the siding at Skykomish after holding for the westbound Empirebuilder.
An uncommon BNSF ballast train races through Morrison Canyon just after sunset
A westbound BNSF weed spray train holds on the main while an eastbound BNSF grain train races by, probably the first meet this siding has seen in awhile.
A westbound BNSF weed spray train passes under the abandoned Milwaukee Road bridge. Westbounds are very uncommon on stampede pass this is the first one i have seen in 7 years.
MRL 109 splits the searchlight signals at Winston Hill.
Peyton captures a pacing shot as we race along the highway.
MRL 250 blasts out of Bozeman tunnel.
MRL 250 exits Bozeman tunnel on a a fine summer evening.
MRL 263 races over a culvert while a sun pocket shines onto the train.
MRL 263 flies past the abandon grain elevator at Reed Point. with a stormy sky in the background
An empty BNSF grain train exits the Trinidad tunnel. after climbing Trinidad Loop.