NS 165 heads west through the dawn fog at Oakvale on the Christiansburg District.
Q316 arrives in Parkersburg for a crew change at the low yard.
Eastbound loaded rail train passes through downtown Thurmond
RJ Corman operates former C&O branches in the New River Gorge as their RJCV West Virginia Line, and they began their day at dawn by taking 100 mty hoppers up the 2.5% grade towards the Contura Ene... (more)
That Herb Sullivan guy sure knew how to pick a spot.
11,000 feet of double stacks race East from Barstow at sundown.
UP Manifest passes through Mormon Rocks on a comfortable evening in Cajon Pass.
82 leads a photo freight at High Falls on the former Western Maryland line between Elkins and Webster Springs.
180 car mty grain train passes through bucolic Summers County and over the Greenbrier River at Lowell. The current bridge was completed in 1949 as part of a multitude of projects headed by C&O ch... (more)
Kanawha River Railroad empties bound for Quincy cross the namesake river on the Deepwater Bridge (DB). This bridge was completed in 1931 allowing the Virginian Railway access into Charleston via ... (more)
Southbound regional passes the Bowie Railroad Museum at 110mph
“For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue." - President James A. Garfield
H801 departs Rainelle with 38 loads of coal bound for Meadow Creek.
3 unit pusher set heads East at Welch during a heavy snowfall.
The little engine that could. 96 loads of ethanol and 2 buffer cars on a .41 percent grade.