VIA 6405 leads VIA 53 from Ottawa through Kingston.
VIA train #53 (which had recently lost its name, York) from Montreal slows for the end of its run to Toronto Union Station a quarter of a century ago. The train was still equipped with both LRC po... (more)
VIA Rail Canada P42DC 916 pulls five stainless steel passenger cars (no LRC coaches?!?) as train 53 heads to Toronto ON from Ottawa ON. VIA 916 wears a wrap commemorating the carrier's 40th Anniv... (more)
VIA 53 rounds the bend at Newtonville Rd enroute to Toronto. Apart from the normal flow, VIA ran extra trains on this particular day to accomodate the rush of passengers scrambling to get home 2 d... (more)
VIA 53 turns its train on the wye at Bayview Junction.
Montreal to Toronto VIA 53 has wyed at Bayview and is heading back to TMC for servicing. On days when 53 runs with an extended trainset, they will come out to Bayview to turn the equipment becaus... (more)
VIA 907 heads west towards downtown Toronto.
Train 53 coming out of a fog patch leaving Belleville Ont
Train VIA 53 with LRC equipment going by the Raisin river bridge near Lancaster Ont