Train 415 on Track 1 from North Station to Wachusett. MBTA F40PH-3C 1032 and four cars including Operation Lifesaver coach 535 approaching Ayer Station.
MPI HSP-46 2008 and six cars passing the former Boston and Maine Tower as leaving Ayer Station.
MPI HSP-46 2008 and six cars passing the signals entering Ayer Station on Track 1.
Train 415 on Track 1 stopped at Ayer Station. Operation Lifesaver coach 535 included in the four car train.
Train 415 from North Station to Wachusett approaching Patterson Road RR Crossing in Shirley. GP40MC 1126 had LED lights installed for both the headlight and ditch lights.
Boston Icons Two generations of rebuilt MBTA F40s heading north from Boston under the iconic I-93 Zakim Bridge.