This unit is leading a Roanoke NRHS excursion which will turn here and head back home. The units in their bright new paint have started up the east leg of the wye, which once led to the Saltville... (more)
Still seems odd that it was forty years ago this WB had an early repaint from NW in the lead. Photo by Mike Dolenski. From my collection.
The NS 4130 leads a train along the Yard lead lading into NS Enola Yard. The NS 4130 was originally built as the NS 8918, a C40-9W. In the background a train is departing and a yard job is workin... (more)
NS intermodal 203 descending the NS B-Line at sunset.
On a beautiful spring afternoon, NS loaded coke train #546 splits the CD-251 NYC G-Type signals with NS 4130 leading. This hopefully will not be the last time I visit these signals as the new Safe... (more)
Northbound On the Buffalo Line