Pacific National's G540 & G527 are seen approaching Murtoa with empty grain train 9713V from North Shore.
G540 arrives into Ouyen yard with a diverted Melbourne to Adelaide freight. The 700/830 loco combination in the background will later take over the haulage west towards Pinnaroo.
G540-X48-XR559 depart Tottenham with a loaded grain consist to North Geelong.
G540-T393 with an empty steel train to Tottenham Yard near Sims Street Junction.
G540 & BL27 work 7731V empty grain from North Geelong to Dimboola here as they approach Derrinallum in Victoria's west.
G540-T392-T371-8179 depart North Geelong with an empty Pacific National grain to Western Victoria.
Pacific National's G540 and 8128 thunders through Spotswood, Melbourne with 7758/4MC6 Empty Grain Service, bound for N.S.W... Date 12/07/17
G540-8126 work an empty grain consist from North Geelong through Sunshine.
G540-8136 accelerate through Williams Landing with 7787V empty grain to Murtoa.
G540-8131 depart Somerton Loop with a northbound empty grain consist.
with G529.