BNSF's Barstow to Modesto freight passes the control point at MP 370-Cameron crossover.
While Mt. Rainier sports a Lenticular cloud cap, a BNSF empty grainer is using the Stampede Wye for headroom at Auburn WA. Note the remnants of the old Roundhouse, behind the locomotives.
The sun sets as a BNSF manifest makes it's way into Los Angeles passing the industries of Fullerton, CA.
CSX K141 crosses the causeway just south of Iona Island
Thunder Mountain Railroading...Afternoon thunderstorms have rolled into northern Arizona's high country, providing for dark and threatening clouds. Along with the sounds of distant thunder,... (more)
An intermodal follows the Washougal River just an hour shy of the sun dipping below the horizon.
BNSF 8078 leads a long Alliance to Oakland stack train west at Newberry.
The first of three southbound "K" trains in a row to head south out of Selkirk Yard on a crisp, beautiful morning.
Roosvelt bound trash heads up the Columbia River
A trio of H2 SD40-2s leads the daily H-train out of the yard just before sunset. I'm guessing this is the last time I'll catch the H-GFDGAL this year :(
BNSF 8078 comes flying past a Loram ballast cleaner near MP 373.
All-Rail ore loads leaning into the curve as they start their ascent out of town.
Rolling through the Amincon River sag.