The return leg of the Orange shuttle to Molong is seen climbing the 1 in 40 grade just out of town, the return leg is being led by steam loco Garrett 6029 now with diesel loco C502 rolling along o... (more)
The diesel led leg of the Orange steam shuttle to Molong is seen just out of town, soon the steam return leg will be led by Garrett 6029 rolling along on the rear.
HL203 and FL220 back up onto the 'Southern Aurora' at Central before departing empty to Thirlmere on a miserable wet day in Sydney.
FL220 [originally built Jan 1970 as 42220 rebuilt 2001] along with steam loco 3642 [originally built 1926 retired 1969 restored for heritage purposes] worked specials between Dubbo and Wongarbon i... (more)
CM3304 and CF4402 slowly creep along the Up main line near Old South Road at Cullerin, NSW. Their ballast train is slowly dropping fresh stone onto the line.
CM3301-CM3305 work empty ore wagons west as train 4847 cross the Goulburn river bridge at Coggan Creek.
CM3301-CM3305 work empty ore wagons west as train 4847 and lean into the elevated curve after crossing Wollar Creek. Note rear of east bound coal loads in the loop at wollar shown in the back grou... (more)
Triple C class locos on Sydney Rail Services Sandgate to Port Botany service.
An empty, Qube operated, Louis Dreyfus containerized grain train passes the old semaphore that protects the mothballed lines to Kandos.
VL351-VL356 work an empty ore train into the yard area at Gulgong and will stop at the platform for a fresh crew.